Todo list with calendar
Todo list with calendar

This happened to me: I allowed myself to believe I was the kind of person who was “easily distracted,” and I therefore became increasingly distractible. We stop asking whether our time management system is no good and start to believe, “Maybe I am no good.” “I must have a short attention span.”įaced with the constant dissonance between what we’ve promised to do and what we actually accomplish, we begin to see ourselves as the problem.

todo list with calendar

We repeat this cycle until eventually, and subconsciously, the narrative begins to change from what we do to who we are. “I’ll finish it tomorrow,” we tell ourselves. Day after day, week after week, year after year, the fact that we don’t do as we say takes a toll.Įventually, we begrudgingly accept not following through.

todo list with calendar todo list with calendar

Having a constant reminder that you didn’t do what you said you’d do cements a self-stereotype. What kind of identity does an ever-incomplete to-do list reinforce? Though there haven’t been direct studies, one can infer from existing research that it isn’t a positive one.

Todo list with calendar