Why is fallout shelter sign double stamped
Why is fallout shelter sign double stamped

why is fallout shelter sign double stamped

The site was de-commissioned as an official fallout shelter prior to her employment with the library.

why is fallout shelter sign double stamped

Librarian Judy Buckner Larry said she presumes the shelter was part of the building that was constructed in 1929. One of the classic fallout shelter signs still hangs on the side of the current Philippi Public Library. “I hate to see us having to worry about that sort of thing again.” “It was a time when people were really worried about bombs and war,” he said. They had supplies in that mine for 60,000 people, supposedly. “They planned to have people stay in the mine if bombs dropped,” he said. The largest local fallout shelter arrangements Metheny can remember officials making were plans to use the limestone mine near Elkins in case of war. Metheny said the distinctive fallout shelter signs, in yellow and black, were posted by the lights at the front of the building, and he remembers them on either side of the front doors of the Randolph County Courthouse, as well. “I’m not sure how they would have set up the sleeping arrangements,” he said, though he thought cots would probably have been set up in several of the large rooms in the basement. Metheny said the basement of the building featured a large shower room and a bathroom with stalls. The stack included 24-pound boxes of “Survival Ration Crackers,” and boxes containing sealed tins of hard candy, with portion bags packed inside.Ĭity employee Brad Curtis recently discovered the Civil Defense boxes, many of which were stamped as being packed in 1964. “These boxes are mostly crackers or candy,” he said.

Why is fallout shelter sign double stamped